Electric Youth nominated for 2020 JUNO Awards

Toronto duo Electric Youth have been nominated for “Electronic Album of the Year” for the 2020 JUNO Awards – taking place on March 15, 2020.
Click to save/stream Memory Emotion
Since breaking through on the soundtrack to the 2011 film Drive, where their A Real Hero scored pivotal scenes, Electric Youth haven’t slowed down. After releasing their 2014 debut, Innerworld, the Canadian duo spent the subsequent years working on new songs, scoring a forthcoming movie, and working again with Drive director, Nicolas Winding Refn (their song “Good Blood” appeared on the companion soundtrack for his 2016 film, The Neon Demon, while their 2017 release, Breathing, an Original Motion Picture Soundtrack From A Lost Film, was released under his ‘Nicolas Winding Refn Presents’ album series). The duo also collaborated with Gesaffelstein on his Columbia Records debut album, Hyperion, and with Oscar-winner, Ryuichi Sakamoto, on his album, Async Remodels.
Memory Emotion is the yang to the ying of their acclaimed debut: whereas Innerworld had an inward focus and the immersive atmospherics of a headphones album, the new LP looks outward, exploring a wider spectrum of sounds, moods and tempos, resulting in their most dynamic body of work yet. “Memory Emotionis much more outer-world, an album focused on the external world we live in and the way in which we interact with the world as a result of the emotions attached to our memories. Innerworld was finding that sense of self, developing and establishing a viewpoint, and Memory Emotion is us taking that viewpoint with us out into the world. The Life encapsulates the spectrum of that experience, from the dark to the light, the birth and rebirth, the destruction, degeneration and regeneration of living things on our planet, the home to all greedy megalomaniacs and generous martyrs alike,” explains Garrick. “There really is a strong link between music and memory and emotion, and Memory Emotion is what we came up with for that link.”